Welcome to jasonasher.com
"the symphony of imagination is a journey of spirit, color, iteration, dimension and sound that invokes our ambient stream of consciousness"
Discover the AmbientStream
Discover the immersive art framework that bridges image, motion, sound, and narrative through innovative mediums and experiences.

Self Portrait One
Self Portrait One is a deep dive into what my head experienced in my youth, almost going blind at the age of 9, to multiple surgeries and yes braces.

The AmbientStream features
aWIPS: 5
ORIGINAL: 1, 300+
RE*MIX: 310
VIRTUAL (coming soon)
Explore the AmbientStream
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Take a tour of the AmbientStreams on view
Learn how to collect and display the art of the AmbientStream
Collect & Display

About me
My name is Jason Asher and I'm an artist who displays pieces as an iterative sequence called the AmbientSteam. My art making process involves six steps; aWIP (artwork in progress), ORIGINAL (traditional art piece), RE*MIX (iterations of the ORIGINAL piece), MOTION (a 3D animated representation of the ORIGINAL and RE*MIX pieces), NTF (Non-fungible token) for collecting, and VIRTUAL (a virtual reality representation of the Origin, RE+MIX and Motion pieces).
Artist Statement
I enjoy expressing myself through multiple mediums and seeing concepts evolve through them. Each of the mediums that I work in facilitate and evoke different signals and evolving narrative influenced by visual execution, motion, audio, or dimension. A sense of freedom comes with being a multi-discipline artist, the freedom for me comes within the mediums themselves and how each one becomes a vertical unto itself as part of a larger framework of a story. This lets the viewer form a relationship by iteration and keeps them exploring different aspects of the work within the Ambientstream.

The AmbientSteam is an Immersive Art Framework consisting of: aWip's, ORIGINAL, RE*MIX's, MOTION, and VIRTUAL pieces of art.
©jasonasher.com 2024. All rights reserved.