(at work in progress)

The sketches themselves live between two sketch books. One sketchbook is an 8.5" x 11" black hard cover sketch where I workshop different ideas and concepts. Charcoal, colored pencil and soft pastels are the mediums of choice for getting my ideas onto paper. After the path for concept that is being focused on reaches a point of maturity I switch over to a 14" x 17" sketch to explore the whatever I am working on further. During this whole process I am photographing the drawings and importing them into Evernote. This way I can track the progress of how the ideas are unfolding, add comments and see where the pieces are headed.
aWIP: Art Work in Progress
An aWIP is defined as the "ideation" stage of the my art making process. Within this "ideation" stage the initial sketches and studies are done leading up to the art making process for the ORIGINAL, RE*MIX, MOTION and VIRTUAL art pieces. This process unfolds over a number of months and involves everything from fundamental drawing exercises (Bridgman Life Drawings) to reviewing color studies of Joseph Albers to studying the Robert Rauschenberg catalog and beyond.
No. of Pieces: 5+
The AmbientSteam is an Immersive Art Framework consisting of: aWip's, ORIGINAL, RE*MIX's, MOTION, and VIRTUAL pieces of art.
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