The canvas is built in layers which results in a color rich presentation with colors that tell a story. This is a nexus of sorts where shape, color, shadows, marks and space all come together in concert to form an image. From the image that is formed the rest of the sequence comes to life. The art making process is linear and begins with this piece.
ORIGINAL: A tradition piece of Art like a painting on canvas, mixed media on paper or canvas.
These pieces function as both an image and a roadmap for the RE*MIX, MOTION and VIRTUAL art pieces. The ORIGINAL is a starting point in a journey so it's critical that the concepts within the aWIP phase are clearly defined and have purpose. Each element of the ORIGINAL will take on a persona whether a character, background, supporting marks or collaged elements.
No. of Pieces: 1

The AmbientSteam is an Immersive Art Framework consisting of: aWip's, ORIGINAL, RE*MIX's, MOTION, and VIRTUAL pieces of art.
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