VIRTUAL Immersive Environment
An Immersive Environment is a 3D based VR environment that provides the infrastructure for all Immersive Experiences relating to the AmbientStream on display. This Immersive Environment provides the meta-space needed to accommodate the display of the AmbientStream's VIRTUAL Properties. The VIRTUAL Properties will provide the meta-real estate and infrastructure for the VIRTUAL Lots that will display the AmbientStream on View.
VIRTUAL Property:
A Virtual Property is a portion of the VIRTUAL Immersive Environment dedicated to a specific piece of an AmbientStream. The size of the property differs by the amount of 2D RE*MIX's which define how much space is needed for that particular property. The areas of the VIRTUAL Property are defined by "VIRTUAL Lots".
The VIRTUAL (VR) part of the Immersive Art Framework is designed to take the art viewer through a journey building up to the 3D models that represent the RE*Mix the art viewer chose to view. This journey is meant to show the progress of the art piece from a two dimensional flat piece of art to an interactive 3D representation that the art viewer can explore. VIRTUAL Immersive Environment Art Sequence narrative VIRTUAL Property VIRTUAL Lot VIRTUAL Spaces Summary
No. of Pieces: 1
The AmbientSteam is an Immersive Art Framework consisting of: aWip's, ORIGINAL, RE*MIX's, MOTION, and VIRTUAL pieces of art.
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